We were on the zeeeeeeeeee snow at Keystone Resort today riding the 29" base!
We got up to Keystone later in the day around 5pm. This time of the year is extra busy at the resort so we took night laps. When we were driving over Loveland Pass around 4pm the snow was just starting to fall. Took this shot below off Loveland Pass of the snow creeping in :)
By the time we get to Keystone, light snow was falling and the resort was clearing out. We LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE taking night skiing laps at Keystone when it is snowing. There is something magical about riding under the stars while its dumping powder. It started snowing harder as it got later in the evening and we saw about 1" on the Keystone Snow Camera around 7pm. We took these quick videos below at Keystone, gota love the firework show they put on too.
Tomorrow am should be soft since, see how much snow we get. We need pow Keystone has only seen 70in of snow TYD this season total.
Do what you love #C2SFAM ALLDAY!!!
City2Snow Denver ALLDAY - Matt Chiesa
E: Matt@City2Snow / IG: @City2Snow_Matt